Willie Nelson Joke~Retold
(too old to reply)
2003-11-11 06:16:45 UTC
as W. N. said on the Howard Stern show~
and of course I would always say to emmylou......if I could...

"If you don't feel I love you..........feel again..."..

David Stenander
2003-11-12 22:13:07 UTC
Post by j***@webtv.net
as W. N. said on the Howard Stern show~
and of course I would always say to emmylou......if I could...
"If you don't feel I love you..........feel again..."..
hey, ts, how many pseudonyms do you use on the internet, anyway???
i've counted at least six (i've lost track, there's maybe more), and
in some of them, your boring game is to (1) make some dumb statement
in a google group which no one answers to and/or (2) answer yourself
in another pseudonym as the only respondent. what the he**?

are you thinking you're funny, clever or just foolin' lots of people??

ts, it smells so-oo-oo bad, i can follow your scent to many other
google groups.

should i start naming them and folks can decide for themselves?? hmm?

even at your ancient age, have you ever considered volunteering in
iraq as a pizza delivery guy?? you know, make a delivery or two to
select baghdad neighborhoods and sing'em a few of your more popular
tunes. who knows, they may want to give you what they think you
deserve! maybe they're tired of your being such an internet schmuck!
but, hey, let's encourage you here 'cause maybe you could get the
tips, recognition and payback you're so desperately seeking!

i wonder how many others have smelled your foul, foul odor in other
google groups? it's so you and always so distinguishable, i often have
to hold my nose when reading various google groups!

phew, guy, fan the air with at least a good ol' country rock record!
2003-11-19 16:13:14 UTC
I guess this is your bad review of the Willie Nelson Joke......but this
is an actual comment that Willie Nelson made which I thought was amusing
but you obviously don't.
"Nothing Is Impossible In Iraq but reform"

Oscar Wilde

Joan Baez is against the war in Iraq and others....maybe you are the

you could not get me to go to Iraq........just because this "government
calls a turd a strawberry.......would you eat it

This has been going on since the Viet Nam era........Plus the warren
commission was all bullshit ~this on the History Channel this week.

2003-11-20 00:23:10 UTC
JFK Conspiracy~ On History Channel~ Lyndon Johnson ~associates did it

what these people are saying (the witnesses to the shooting who saw a
gunman behind the fence, the witnesses who saw a bullethole through the
windshield of the limo, the ex-wife of John Ligget, who did the
reconstructive work on Kennedy's head, the people who testify to the
doctoring of the autopsy photographs, the testimony of the surgeons
present who claim there was an entrance wound at the neck and that the
head wound in the back of the head was an exit wound, the manager at the
Dearborn, Michigan Ford plant who saw the old limo windshield after it
was removed, the actual tape recording they have of the mafia men
discussing the assasisination of Kennedy on Nov. 9th, Johnson's own
dirty dirty record that includes seven other murders to which he has
been linked, etc., etc.) is tantamount to a coup having taken place. To
dismiss all of these witnesses because the History Channel broadcast it
seems more an inditement of how weak our investigative journalists are
along with their corresponding media (CNN, NY Times, you name it),
rather than the cause to dismiss these documentaries.
from jnn7
History Channel Reports~Lyndon Johnson~ associates did it
Hope anyone interested in this topic will watch this series on the
History Channel this week.
Repeated a number of times...
this last and most current theory seems the correct one...as it accounts
for the government cover up which had to come from Johnson and Hoover
and others....
They replaced the windshield in Dearborn Michigan which was seen by
people to have an entrance bullet hole left of center and bullet
fragments taken out it.
It's best to see the series rather than try to recap it but this is the
only theory which accounts for the government cover up...all the people
involved......the motives and such..
over 22 doctors in Dallas say two shots from the front... both neck and
head......other finger prints found and such...in book building also
best theory so far....
David Stenander
2003-11-22 23:49:47 UTC
Post by j***@webtv.net
I guess this is your bad review of the Willie Nelson Joke......but this
is an actual comment that Willie Nelson made which I thought was amusing
but you obviously don't.
"Nothing Is Impossible In Iraq but reform"
Oscar Wilde
Joan Baez is against the war in Iraq and others....maybe you are the
you could not get me to go to Iraq........just because this "government
calls a turd a strawberry.......would you eat it
This has been going on since the Viet Nam era........Plus the warren
commission was all bullshit ~this on the History Channel this week.
thank you, ts, for verifying everything i've posted about you. you can
call yourself any pseudonym you want and put out those dumb,
annoying-as-spam messages in all the google groups you've dumped your
trash in, but at this time of year, we'll just consider you a foul
