Sell me your unwanted music CDs!
(too old to reply)
2003-08-27 18:26:40 UTC
Do you have music CDs lying around that you do not listen to anymore?
Are they in good working condition with no skips that you are aware
of? Great! I will pay you for them! I will pay $1.00 per CD with a few
exceptions where I will pay more for multiple CD sets. The CDs that I
buy can be of just about any music genre including rock, pop,
classical, metal, punk, jazz, rhythm and blues, country, easy
listening dance, soundtracks, religious or new age. Please understand
that there are some CDs that I do not buy. These include:

1. Rap
2. CDs of various artists (except for soundtracks)
3. Local artists not nationally known. I do not buy CDs of local club
bands that are completely unknown.
4. Singles or 2-3 song CDs. Must be full length.

Otherwise, I will buy most of what you have. Yes, I will even pay half
the shipping if you ship by United States Post Office media rate. 30
CDs can be shipped for $4.94 for example so your half would only be
about 2.47. I also have one more requirement. Due to the potential of
fraud, I must protect myself buying your CDs since I do not know you
and vice versa. I would only be able to buy them by sending your
payment to an online escrow service (a third party who does not know
either of us) who would hold the payment until I receive the CDs. I
use www.safebuyer.com Then, I would notify them to release the funds
to you by a check. That is it! The escrow company charges $5.00 for up
to a $100.00 transaction which I will also pay when I send in your
payment for the CDs along with half of the shipping. ! Because of the
escrow cost, I would not be interested in buying less than 20 at a
time. I have the shipping pretty much figured out if I know how many
CDs you are sending.

If this sounds fair to you, then please contact me! I will need a list
of the CD artists you have and the name of the CD. It may sound like
a lot of typing but seriously, if you are an average typist at all,
you can type out 7 or 8 of these in just one minute! I can! I look
forward to hearing from you and please include information as to
whether or not you will definitely sell your CDs to me and I will get
back to you ASAP telling you which CDs I will buy. After you get back
to me and agree to the transaction, I will need a mailing address and
phone number for the escrow company and you will need to fill in the
information on their site for the seller which is
(https://id222.securedata.net/safebuyer/sellform.html) but don't
bother going there until I get back to you. Chances are, I will buy
most of your CDs since there are only a few I do not buy. Thanks!
Please email me with your list at ***@hotmail.com and please mention
something about CDs in the subject line so I won't think it is junk
mail. Thanks!

Brett Winstead
2003-08-27 19:32:08 UTC
WOW... a whole dollar per Cd!! What a freakin' bargain!!!
One could likely do better at a local used shop or even a chainstore like
Wherehose Music. Then you also don't lose anything in shipping or that
payment account...
Post by Brett
Do you have music CDs lying around that you do not listen to anymore?
Are they in good working condition with no skips that you are aware
of? Great! I will pay you for them! I will pay $1.00 per CD with a few
exceptions where I will pay more for multiple CD sets. The CDs that I
buy can be of just about any music genre including rock, pop,
classical, metal, punk, jazz, rhythm and blues, country, easy
listening dance, soundtracks, religious or new age. Please understand
1. Rap
2. CDs of various artists (except for soundtracks)
3. Local artists not nationally known. I do not buy CDs of local club
bands that are completely unknown.
4. Singles or 2-3 song CDs. Must be full length.
Otherwise, I will buy most of what you have. Yes, I will even pay half
the shipping if you ship by United States Post Office media rate. 30
CDs can be shipped for $4.94 for example so your half would only be
about 2.47. I also have one more requirement. Due to the potential of
fraud, I must protect myself buying your CDs since I do not know you
and vice versa. I would only be able to buy them by sending your
payment to an online escrow service (a third party who does not know
either of us) who would hold the payment until I receive the CDs. I
use www.safebuyer.com Then, I would notify them to release the funds
to you by a check. That is it! The escrow company charges $5.00 for up
to a $100.00 transaction which I will also pay when I send in your
payment for the CDs along with half of the shipping. ! Because of the
escrow cost, I would not be interested in buying less than 20 at a
time. I have the shipping pretty much figured out if I know how many
CDs you are sending.
If this sounds fair to you, then please contact me! I will need a list
of the CD artists you have and the name of the CD. It may sound like
a lot of typing but seriously, if you are an average typist at all,
you can type out 7 or 8 of these in just one minute! I can! I look
forward to hearing from you and please include information as to
whether or not you will definitely sell your CDs to me and I will get
back to you ASAP telling you which CDs I will buy. After you get back
to me and agree to the transaction, I will need a mailing address and
phone number for the escrow company and you will need to fill in the
information on their site for the seller which is
(https://id222.securedata.net/safebuyer/sellform.html) but don't
bother going there until I get back to you. Chances are, I will buy
most of your CDs since there are only a few I do not buy. Thanks!
something about CDs in the subject line so I won't think it is junk
mail. Thanks!
Brett Winstead
2003-08-27 21:28:17 UTC
Yeah, what do you think this guy is going to do with your CDs? he's
going to sell them to a used CD store probably... heh heh


On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:32:08 -0400, massivegrooves
Post by massivegrooves
WOW... a whole dollar per Cd!! What a freakin' bargain!!!
One could likely do better at a local used shop or even a chainstore like
Wherehose Music. Then you also don't lose anything in shipping or that
payment account...
Post by Brett
Do you have music CDs lying around that you do not listen to anymore?
2003-08-28 17:25:12 UTC
Post by E***@thru.netSPAM
Yeah, what do you think this guy is going to do with your CDs? he's
going to sell them to a used CD store probably... heh heh
It has to be either that, or he is trying to start his own buisness in this
area and is looking for an EXTREMELY cheap method of building an inventory.
Unless what you have is utter garbage then there is absolutely NO way this
is a deal for the seller of the used stuff to him...

Post by E***@thru.netSPAM
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:32:08 -0400, massivegrooves
Post by massivegrooves
WOW... a whole dollar per Cd!! What a freakin' bargain!!!
One could likely do better at a local used shop or even a chainstore like
Wherehose Music. Then you also don't lose anything in shipping or that
payment account...
Post by Brett
Do you have music CDs lying around that you do not listen to anymore?
Brave Sir Robin
2003-08-28 23:40:15 UTC
The funny thing is that he doesn't want any rap CDs. I've sold a lot
of CDs on eBay and I made the most money by far from my old rap CDs.
I sold a 10-year-old Sir Mix-A-Lot album for more than I bought it
