Ode To Corruption In the Supreme Court...?
(too old to reply)
2004-02-11 02:58:53 UTC
There once was a country where some did regret
the Rulings of judges which are all wet
when asked how the rulings can be appealed they said that judicial
accountability was not part of the deal
while the VP might be corrupt he is a friend with whom to hunt a
so when it comes to justice and money what the f...ck.......shit..out of

David Stenander
2004-02-16 21:05:57 UTC
Post by e***@webtv.net
There once was a country where some did regret
the Rulings of judges which are all wet
when asked how the rulings can be appealed they said that judicial
accountability was not part of the deal
while the VP might be corrupt he is a friend with whom to hunt a
so when it comes to justice and money what the f...ck.......shit..out of
ts, you dirty dog! can you possibly post anything here or in any other
google group without using such smelly language?

you have a really foul way of bringing in foul language that adds
absolutely nothing, except your bitterness and crudeness, to any of
your posts here.

most folks know it's you, ts, so why do you think your stupid posts
are going to keep people from discussing and enjoying your

she obviously didn't enjoy you much and went on to a stellar career
that still continues.

what's your legacy, then, besides bitterness and crudeness??
2004-02-17 00:46:43 UTC
emmylou lived in Washington D. C. as I did during much of her
life....60's ,.70's.....she has definite political views which
apparently you are unaware of....

1. supports Dean....it says on Country/Western site.

2. you always troll everything here... I have noticed...and the language
is appropriate for the situation in this case...... you ought to say
something intelligent before you start you troll rants...

3. I doubt you know anything about the lack of Judicial Accountability
and the manipulation of judges in the U. S

4. Being a troll is just being a troll.....

5. are you even a emmylou fan?

6.have you ever listened to her music?
David Stenander
2004-02-18 15:49:30 UTC
Post by j***@webtv.net
emmylou lived in Washington D. C. as I did during much of her
life....60's ,.70's.....she has definite political views which
apparently you are unaware of....
1. supports Dean....it says on Country/Western site.
2. you always troll everything here... I have noticed...and the language
is appropriate for the situation in this case...... you ought to say
something intelligent before you start you troll rants...
3. I doubt you know anything about the lack of Judicial Accountability
and the manipulation of judges in the U. S
4. Being a troll is just being a troll.....
5. are you even a emmylou fan?
6.have you ever listened to her music?
thank you again, ts, for verifying that all your lines of google trash
you've put out all over the place prove it is your silly rear end.

call me what you want, but i heavily suspect you've been in many
google groups doing the same thing under different names. how's that
for trolling, bub??

who doesn't know that judges nationwide have been (more and more)
changing the law by the stupid rulings they make? and how does that
relate to Emmylou and her music?

fyi, in the past 24-30 months, i've probably seen Emmylou at least a
dozen times, both in Nashville and across the nation at the various
classy venues she performed in. my traveling job permits that, and
that's my personal preference -- if i can see her (or see a few other
musical acts), i'd rather do that than spend time in a movie theater
or bar.

the few times i've interacted with her, she has treated me with
kindness and respect -- and i've done the same. i've never questioned
her about her personal life, which your "demented" e-mails seem to be
your "demented" way of "getting back at her" for your failed marriage.

admit it, bub, it's just your bitterness and lack of success in the
music field that keep your e-mail trash a-comin'!
2004-02-21 17:15:45 UTC
I can play Greensleeves on the lute very well....

2004-02-21 17:20:51 UTC
Re: Ode to Corruption in the Supreme Court...?
Washington D C stands for "District of Criminals"
From: Desert Rose
To: ***@Jail4Judges.org
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Corrupt Legal System
Hello Mr. Ron Branson,
My name is Wendy and I live in one of the outside suburbs of Washington,
DC.=A0 I read through parts of your website with great interest today,
and wanted to share the following with you:
As a former federal civil servant, I have been made part of a formidable
pattern of abuse and neglect within the federal system guidelines of the
U.S. Gov't.=A0 When I lost my position at the agency where I=A0formerly
worked (USAID), [U.S. Agency for International Development] =A0I
immediately set forth to enter into the available redress avenue
afforded to most federal employees -- the U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
Therefore, I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but after nearly
years of legal redress avenues being set forward, I have discovered that
the EEOC is made up with one of the most pervasive itineraries of
corrupt administrative judge officials that I have ever seen in my
entire life.
Following my own administrative hearing on my job discrimination matters
in 1998, I witnessed for myself bribery money being extended to the
hearing administrative judge on behalf of USAID legal officials!!=A0 At
the time, I figured I could do nothing about it except to hope for a
proper outcome of my case.
Over the years, I have learned that what I saw and witnessed is not an
isolated incidence.=A0 Therefore, other people have experienced much of
the same, especially within the federal work service spectrum. =A0
Our legal system is corrupt beyond measure in this country today!!=A0 I
applaud you in your efforts to stop this treacherous system as quickly
as possible.=A0
Also, I have written about my own personal account in my book, WEB of
BETRAYAL -- which spells out to every American what is going on within
the EEOC discrimination avenue system, and what it means for the average
person today.=A0 I am right there with you. Something has got to be done
about this.
Many thanks for reading this e-mail.=A0
Wendy Ghannam/Wash. DC
P.S.=A0 My website is:=A0 http://www.Betrayals.net =A0
Dear Wendy:
We are so happy to have received your communications from Washington,
D.C. I've been told that=A0"D.C." stands for the "District of
Criminals." In any case, your=A0testimony tends to support such a
We are always pleased to find people in whatever profession or location
they are in who show excitement about J.A.I.L. We are a nationwide
grassroots movement of people from all walks of life who has suffered
the=A0same types of frustration you've experienced with the current
system of "Justice" so-called. We have decided=A0take=A0effective and
decisive action to change it. I am interpreting your enthusiasm as a
willingness to join with us in that effort. =A0
I am adding you not only to our J.A.I.L. News Journals, but also to our
National JAILers List in which you may interchange thoughts and
experiences with others such as=A0yourself.
That said, let me be the first in line to welcome you as a Washington,
D.C. JAILer. You will now find yourself inundated with all kinds of
letters from JAILers welcoming you to the fold, some of which will
relate well very with your experiences.
Next, I wish to say that in consideration of your experiences in
Washington, D.C., and our=A0current lack of J.A.I.L. presence=A0within
those ten square miles, I would like to ask you to consider becoming our
Washington, D.C. JIC. (That stands for "JAILer-In-Chief.") =A0
The duties of JIC in Washington, D.C. differs a bit from those held by
the JICs throughout the states, in that there is no state Constitutional
Amendment to be advanced. Rather, it is influencing Congressmen to
sponsor and keep on focus the passage of the Federal J.A.I.L. Bill (see
below) just as it is written. As such, you would=A0not be subject to any
of the Lobbyist laws because it would be=A0your voluntary effort. You
would eventually be=A0known by all the Congress Critters under the dome,
whether they=A0like it or not.
Just let me know if you wish to take up this challenge for our entire
country. I am very sure if you make this choice, you will not only gain
popularity under the dome, but also by=A0progress reports you
send=A0us=A0 worthy of publication to the nation. You are being offered
a position that will=A0have your finger on the pulse of the excitement
of this nation.
Also, should=A0you accept this position of JIC, you will have the
authority to appoint a=A0downline delegation=A0of your authority to
assist you in this cause. For instance, imagine recruiting, delegating
and=A0commanding a potential Team of a hundred-something JAILers within
Washington, D.C. swarming on Capitol Hill. God forbid, say some of the
Congressmen, but keep as your guide the=A0words of Luke 18:2-5, "There
was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And
there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me
of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said
within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this
widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she
weary me."=A0
God bless you, Wendy. We shall be waiting to hear from you. =A0
Ron Branson
P.S. - Below is the Federal Judicial Accountability & Integrity
Legislation Bill you will be called upon to push tirelessly into the
face of the Congressmen.
Judicial Accountability & Integrity Legislation (Version 9/1/03)
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (a) Preamble. The House of
Representatives and Senate Assembled find: that an inordinate and
ever-growing number of complaints for willful misconduct have been
lodged with Congress involving federal judges across this nation; that
the current Title 28 U.S.C. =A7372(c) (Judicial Misconduct and
Disability Act) is in many cases inadequate due to conflicts of interest
of judges judging themselves; that judicial integrity is of major
importance which affects all areas of our American society. Be it
therefore resolved that the House of Representatives and Senate
Assembled hereby enact the following legislation which shall be known as
the "Judicial Accountability and Integrity Legislation."
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (b) Definitions. For purposes of this
1. The term "blocking" shall mean any act that impedes the lawful
conclusion of a case, to include unreasonable delay and willful
rendering of a void judgment or order.
2. The term "federal judge" or "judge" shall mean any federal justice,
judge, magistrate, commissioner, or any person shielded by judicial
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 3.
The term "Juror" shall mean a Special Federal Grand Juror.
4. The term "strike" shall mean an adverse immunity decision based upon
bad behavior as set forth by paragraph (c), or a criminal conviction as
set forth in paragraph (r).
Where appropriate, the singular shall include the plural, and the plural
the singular.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (c) Immunity. Notwithstanding common
law or any other provision to the contrary, no immunities shall be
extended to any federal judge except as is specifically set forth in
this statute. Preserving the purpose of protecting judges from frivolous
and harassing actions, no immunity shielding a federal judge shall be
construed to extend to any deliberate violation of law, fraud or
conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate
disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction,
blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation
of the Constitution of these United States, all violations of which
shall constitute bad behavior.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (d) Special Federal Grand Jury. There
is hereby created within the District of Columbia a twenty-five member
Special Federal Grand Jury with full federal geographical jurisdiction
having power to judge on both law and fact. Their responsibility shall
be limited to determining, on an objective standard, whether a civil
suit against a federal judge would be frivolous and harassing, or fall
within the exclusions of immunity as set forth herein, and whether there
is probable cause of criminal conduct by the federal judge complained
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (e) Professional Counsel. The Special
Federal Grand Jury shall have exclusive power to retain non-governmental
advisors, special prosecutors, and investigators, as needed, who shall
serve no longer than two years, after which term said officers shall be
ineligible. However, with permission of the Special Federal Grand Jury,
a special prosecutor may prosecute their current cases through all
appeals and any applicable complaints to the Special Federal Grand Jury.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (f) Establishment of a Special Federal
Grand Jury Seat. A Special Federal Grand Jury seat is hereby created,
which seat shall be located in excess of one mile of any federal
judicial body.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (g) Filing Fees. Attorneys
representing a client filing a civil complaint or answer before the
Special Federal Grand Jury, shall at the time of filing pay a fee equal
to the filing fee due in a civil appeal to the United States Supreme
Court. Individuals filing a civil complaint or answer before the Special
Federal Grand Jury in their own behalf as a matter of right, shall, at
the time of filing, post a fee of one hundred dollars, or file a
declaration, which shall remain confidential, stating they are
impoverished and unable to pay and/or object to such fee.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (h)=A0 Annual Funding.=A0 Should this
statute lack sufficient funding through its filing fees under paragraph
(g), and fines imposed under paragraph (q), which amount shall be
deposited regularly into the exclusive trust account created by this
statute in paragraph (j) for its operational expenses, Congress shall
impose appropriate surcharges upon the civil court filing fees of
corporate litigants as necessary to make this statute self-supporting,
or they may appropriate any and all the necessary funds for the full
implementation of this statute by legislation.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (i) Compensation of Jurors. Each Juror
shall receive a salary commensurate to fifty percent of a federal
district judge prorated according to the number of days actually served.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (j) Annual Budget. The Special Federal
Grand Jury shall have an annual operational budget commensurate to
twenty times the combined salaries of the twenty-five Jurors serving
full time, which sum shall be initially deposited by Congress into an
exclusive trust account to be annually administered by the Controller.
Should the trust balance, within any budget year, drop to less than an
amount equivalent to the annual gross salaries of fifty federal district
judges, the Controller shall so notify Congress which shall replenish
the account, prorated based on the actual average expenditures during
the budget year. Should the trust balance in any subsequent year exceed
the annual operational budget at the beginning of a new budget year, the
Controller shall return such excess to the United States Treasury.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (k) Jurisdiction.=A0=A0 The Special
Federal Grand Jury shall have exclusive power to establish rules
assuring their attendance, to provide internal discipline, and to remove
any of its members on grounds of misconduct. The Special Federal Grand
Jury shall immediately assign a docket number to each complaint brought
before it. Except as provided in paragraph (r), no complaint of judicial
misconduct shall be considered by the Special Federal Grand Jury unless
the complainant shall have first attempted to exhaust all judicial
remedies available in the federal courts within the immediately
preceding six-month period. Such six-month period, however, shall not
commence in complaints of prior fraud or blocking of a lawful conclusion
until after the date the Special Federal Grand Jury becomes functional.
This provision is intended to apply remedially and retroactively.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (l) Qualifications of Jurors. A Juror
shall have attained to the age of thirty years, and have been nine years
a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant of Washington, D.C.
Those not eligible for Special Federal Grand Jury service shall include
elected and appointed officials, members of the Bar, judges (active or
retired), judicial, prosecutorial and law enforcement personnel, without
other exclusion except previous adjudication of mental incapacity,
imprisonment, or parole from a conviction of a felonious crime against
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (m) Selection of Jurors. The Jurors
shall serve without compulsion and shall be drawn=A0 by public lot by
the Secretary of State from names on the voters rolls and any citizen
submitting his/her name to the Secretary of State for such drawing.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (n) Service of Jurors. Excluding the
establishment of the initial Special Federal Grand Jury, each Juror
shall serve one year. No Juror shall serve more than once. On the first
day of each month, two persons shall be rotated off the Special Federal
Grand Jury and new Citizens seated, except in January it shall be three.
Vacancies shall be filled on the first of the following month in
addition to the Jurors regularly rotated, and the Juror chosen to fill a
vacancy shall complete only the remainder of the term of the Juror
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (o) Procedures. The Special Federal
Grand Jury shall serve a copy of the filed complaint upon the subject
judge and notice to the complainant of such service. The judge shall
have thirty days to serve and file an answer. The complainant shall have
twenty days to reply to the judge's answer. (Upon timely request, the
Special Federal Grand Jury may provide for extensions for good cause.)
In criminal matters, the Special Federal Grand Jury shall have power to
subpoena witnesses, documents, and other tangible evidence, and to
examine witnesses under oath. The Special Federal Grand Jury shall
determine the causes properly before it with their reasoned findings in
writing within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days, serving on all
parties their decision on whether immunity shall be barred as a defense
to any civil action that may thereafter be pursued against the federal
judge. A rehearing may be requested of the Special Federal Grand Jury
within twenty days with service upon the opposition. Twenty days shall
be allowed to reply thereto. Thereafter, the Special Federal Grand Jury
shall render final determination within thirty days. All allegations of
the complaint shall be liberally construed in favor of the complainant.
The Jurors shall keep in mind, in making their decisions, that they are
entrusted by the people of these United States with the duty of
restoring a perception of justice and accountability of the federal
judiciary, and are not to be swayed by artful presentation by the
federal judge. They shall avoid all influence by judicial and government
entities. The statute of limitations on any civil suit brought pursuant
to this statute against a federal judge shall not commence until the
rendering of a final decision by the Special Federal Grand Jury. Special
Federal Grand Jury files shall always remain public record following
their final determination. A majority of thirteen shall determine any
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (p) Removal. Whenever any federal
judge shall have received more than three strikes, the federal judge
shall automatically be brought up on charges before Congress for
Articles of Impeachment by the Special Federal Grand Jury through its
special prosecutor for bad behavior and willful misconduct. Congress
thereafter shall commence to a vote on such Articles of Impeachment.
Upon a conviction, the federal judge shall be permanently removed from
office. He may also be held liable under any other appropriate criminal
or civil proceeding.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (q) Indictment. Should the Special
Federal Grand Jury also find probable cause of criminal conduct on the
part of any federal judge against whom a complaint is docketed, it shall
have the power to indict such federal judge except where double jeopardy
attaches. The Special Federal Grand Jury shall, without voir dire beyond
personal impartiality, relationship, or linguistics, cause to be
impaneled special trial jurors, plus alternates, which trial jurors
shall be instructed that they have power to judge both law and fact. The
Special Federal Grand Jury shall also select a non-governmental special
prosecutor and a federal judge with no more than four years on the bench
from a state other than that of the defendant judge, (or outside of the
District of Columbia, if the case so be). The trial jury shall be
selected from the same pool of jury candidates as any regular federal
jury. The special prosecutor shall thereafter prosecute the cause to a
conclusion, having all the powers of any other prosecutor within these
United States. Upon conviction, the special trial jury shall have
exclusive power of sentencing (limited to incarceration, fines and/or
community service), which shall be derived by an average of the
sentences of the trial jurors.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (r) Criminal Procedures. In addition
to any other provisions of this statute, a complaint for criminal
conduct of a federal judge may be brought directly to the Special
Federal Grand Jury upon all the following prerequisites: (1) an
affidavit of criminal conduct has been lodged with the appropriate
prosecutorial entity within ninety (90) days of the commission of the
alleged conduct; (2) the prosecutor declines to prosecute, or one
hundred twenty (120) days has passed following the lodging of such
affidavit and prosecution has not commenced; (3) an indictment, if
sought, has not been specifically declined on the merits by a Grand
Jury; and (4) the criminal statute of limitations has not run. Any
criminal conviction (including a plea bargain) under any judicial
process shall constitute a strike.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (s) Public Indemnification. No federal
judge complained of, or sued civilly by a complainant pursuant to this
statute shall be defended at public expense or by any elected or
appointed public counsel, nor shall any federal judge be reimbursed from
public funds for any losses sustained under this statute.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (t) Redress. The provisions of this
statute are in addition to other redress that may exist and are not
mutually exclusive.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 (u) Preeminence.=A0 Preeminence shall
be given to this statute in any case of conflicts with any other federal
statutes, case law, or common law to the contrary. The foreperson of the
Special Federal Grand Jury shall read, or cause to be read, this statute
to the respective Jurors semi-annually during the first week of business
in January and July.
AUTHORED BY:=A0 Ron Branson
P.O. Box 207
North Hollywood, California 91603
J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability Initiative Law - www.jail4judges.org
JAIL is a unique addition to our form of gov't. heretofore unrealized.
JAIL is powerful! JAIL is dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope! JAIL is
taking America like a wildfire! ***@jail4judges.org JAIL is making
inroads into Congress for federal accountability! E-Groups sign on at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jail4judges/join=A0 Donate offerings to
J.A.I.L., P.O. Box 207, N. Hollywood, CA 91603 "Give me your wealth, and
I will give you America"=A0 - Ron Branson =A0
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the
-- Henry David Thoreau=A0=A0=A0 <><
